W3CSS Theme - Table Classes

By drupalhero |

Setting the Table layout Different browsers use different methods to calculate how a particular table should be displayed. Two primary table-layout. Fixed method bases its layout on the width of the table and the width of columns in the first row. This method is generally faster than automatic.  Automatic uses the table column width along with the amount of content in the table data cell to calculate the table data cell width. This will generally render more slowly than the fixed method, but it also produces more accurate results for widths throughout the table.

W3CSS Theme Built-in Responsiveness

By alaahaddad |

Drupal8 W3CSS Theme is using the W3.CSS framework with built-in responsiveness: Smaller and faster than other CSS frameworks. - Easier to learn, and easier to use than other CSS frameworks. - Uses standard CSS only (No jQuery or JavaScript library). - Speeds up and simplifies web development. - Supports modern responsive design (mobile first) by default. - Provides CSS equality for all browsers. Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari, and more. - Provides CSS equality for all devices. PC, laptop, tablet, and mobile.

W3CSS Theme - Margin Classes

By drupalhero |

The margin of an element allows you to set the space between that element and other elements in the window by specifying one to four values that correspond to all four sides together, the top/ bottom and left/right sides as pairs, or all four sides independently. To define the margins of an element: 1. Start your declaration by typing the margin shortcut property name in the declaration block, followed by a colon (:) margin: 2. Type a value for the margin.

W3CSS Theme - Hover Classes

By drupalhero |

Here are six simple things you can do to improve the appearance of your Web page when it is printed.  Use page breaks before page headers to keep them with their text. Separate content from navigation. Try to keep the main content—the part your audience is interested in reading—in a separate area of the design from the site navigation. You can then use CSS to hide navigation in the printed version with a nav included in the print style sheet. Avoid using transparent colors in graphics. This is especially true if the graphic is on a background color or a graphic other than white.

W3CSS Theme - Card Classes

By drupalhero |

How to attach your style?1- The One For All method The One For All method includes all your styles in a single master style sheet. With this method, creating well-organized and readable style sheets with a TOC is critical because you may be poring through hundreds or even thousands of lines of code.
Pros—One download is faster than multiple downloads, and the file is then cached for use on other pages. In addition, with all of your code in one place, you don’t have to worry about whether a page has access to the right styles.