W3CSS Theme - Border Classes

By drupalhero |

The border property allows you to set a rule (line) around all four sides of your box in any color and thickness using a variety of line styles. Also, using additional border properties, you can independently set the borders on any of the four sides, giving you amazing design versatility. To set the border: 1. To set the border on all four sides, type the border property name in the CSS declaration block, followed by a colon (:) border: 2. Type a border-width value, followed by a space.

W3CSS Theme - W3CSS References

By drupalhero |

How does CSS work? When a visitor loads one of your Web pages, by either typing in the address or clicking a link, the server (the computer that stores the Web page) sends the HTML file to the visitor’s computer along with any files linked to or embedded in the HTML file. Regardless of where the CSS code is, the visitor’s browser will interpret it and apply it to the HTML to render the Web page using that browser’s particular rendering engine that is then displayed in the browser window.

W3CSS Theme - Text Colors

By drupalhero |

Text it is the best system that humans have ever devised for recording complex thoughts. Many people think of text as simply a way to record words, but typography adds a voice to the meaning of the words. Typography affects how text appears by controlling not only the shapes and sizes of the letters used (the font), but also the spaces between letters, words, lines, and paragraphs. Unfortunately, many of the challenges of typography on the Web have come about as a result of a need to circumvent the limitations of the medium.

W3CSS Theme - Border Classes

By drupalhero |

browser CSS extensions In addition to supporting the specified CSS properties set by the W3C, a browser developer will occasionally introduce browser-specific properties. This is often done for one of two reasons: n A spec is still under development by the W3C but the browser developer wants to start using the style now. The browser developer wants to try a new idea but doesn't want to wait for the W3C to accept it and begin work on it, which can take years.

W3CSS Theme - Round Classes

By drupalhero |

Rounded corners can help soften an otherwise sharp design, but they have been difficult to achieve using images. CSS3 includes a simple method for rounding off one or all of the corners of an element’s box: border-radius. Both Mozilla and Webkit have implemented their own versions of border-radius in advance of the final W3C pronouncement, and you need to take these browser extensions into account for the widest interoperability. To set rounded corners: