W3CSS Theme - W3CSS References

By drupalhero |

How does CSS work? When a visitor loads one of your Web pages, by either typing in the address or clicking a link, the server (the computer that stores the Web page) sends the HTML file to the visitor’s computer along with any files linked to or embedded in the HTML file. Regardless of where the CSS code is, the visitor’s browser will interpret it and apply it to the HTML to render the Web page using that browser’s particular rendering engine that is then displayed in the browser window.

W3CSS Theme Built-in Responsiveness

By alaahaddad |

Drupal8 W3CSS Theme is using the W3.CSS framework with built-in responsiveness: Smaller and faster than other CSS frameworks. - Easier to learn, and easier to use than other CSS frameworks. - Uses standard CSS only (No jQuery or JavaScript library). - Speeds up and simplifies web development. - Supports modern responsive design (mobile first) by default. - Provides CSS equality for all browsers. Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari, and more. - Provides CSS equality for all devices. PC, laptop, tablet, and mobile.

W3CSS Theme - Effect Classes

By drupalhero |

Most HTML tags have browser inherited styles associated with them. These default styles are actually defined by the Web browser developer. Because the browser developer has added them, you need to remember that they are there and will affect your design. For example, the tag will italicize text on most browsers. No cosmic constant dictates that emphasized text is italicized; it’s just that the guys and gals programming the browser software decided to do it that way. The good news is that you can use CSS to override the browser styles.

W3CSS Theme - Camouflage Colors Library

By drupalhero |

Types of CSS Rules The best thing about cascading style sheets is that they are amazingly simple to set up. They don’t require plug-ins or fancy software—just text files with rules in them. A CSS rule defines what the HTML should look like and how it should behave in the browser window. CSS rules come in three types, each with specific uses: -HTML selector. The text portion of an HTML tag is called the selector. For example, h1 is the selector for the tag. The HTML selector is used in a CSS rule to redefine how the tag displays. -Class.

W3CSS Theme - Round Classes

By drupalhero |

Rounded corners can help soften an otherwise sharp design, but they have been difficult to achieve using images. CSS3 includes a simple method for rounding off one or all of the corners of an element’s box: border-radius. Both Mozilla and Webkit have implemented their own versions of border-radius in advance of the final W3C pronouncement, and you need to take these browser extensions into account for the widest interoperability. To set rounded corners:

W3CSS Theme - Display Classes

By drupalhero |

Elements can be classified according to the way they’re displayed—inline or block. By default, every tag has a display style that defines how it will fit with the surrounding tags. You can use the display property to define whether an element includes line breaks above and below (block), is included with other elements without hard line breaks (inline), is treated as part of a list (list), or is displayed at all (none).  To set an element’s display type:
1. Start your declaration by typing the display property name in the CSS declaration block, followed by a colon (:) display: