W3CSS Theme - Layout Classes

By drupalhero |

1. Add content to your HTML file. Using the HTML file you created in chapter 2, add text and image content. I tend to use Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, but anything will do. A great source for text is Project Guttenberg (www.gutenberg. org). 2. Markup your content. All styles require markup in the Web page to give them something to be applied to. Make sure to tag headers and paragraphs. 3. Add classes and IDs to your markup. Classes give you a “hook” to apply specific styles to specific elements. Don’t go overboard, though.

W3CSS Theme - Fashion Colors Library

By alaahaddad |

CSS level 1 (CSS1) The W3C released the first official version of CSS in 1996. This early version included the core capabilities associated with CSS, such as the ability to format text, set fonts, and set margins. Netscape 4 and Internet Explorer 3 and 4 support Level 1. Web designers needed a way to position elements on the screen precisely. CSS1 was already released, and CSS Level 2 was still in the future, so the W3C released a stopgap solution: CSS-Positioning. This standard proposed that the parties concerned could debate for awhile before the CSS-P standard became official.

W3CSS Theme - Text Classes

By drupalhero |

What Is SVG? The Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format is a method for creating vector graphics on the Web (see w3.org/ Graphics/SVG/). Like Flash, instead of plotting each point in a graphic, SVG data describes two points and then plots the path between them as a straight line or curve. Although it still lags behind Flash in browser penetration, SVG is natively supported in Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. The holdout is Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, which will not have SVG support until version 9.

W3CSS Theme - Padding Classes

By drupalhero |

At first glance, padding seems to have an effect identical to margins: It adds space around the element’s content. The difference is that padding sets the space between the border of the element and its content rather than between the element and the other elements in the window. Padding is useful when you’re using borders and background colors and don’t want the content butting right up to the edges. To set padding: 1. Start your declaration by typing the padding property name, followed by a colon (:) padding: 2. Type a value for the element’s padding.

W3CSS Theme - Border Classes

By drupalhero |

The border property allows you to set a rule (line) around all four sides of your box in any color and thickness using a variety of line styles. Also, using additional border properties, you can independently set the borders on any of the four sides, giving you amazing design versatility. To set the border: 1. To set the border on all four sides, type the border property name in the CSS declaration block, followed by a colon (:) border: 2. Type a border-width value, followed by a space.

W3CSS Theme - Fashion Colors Library - 2018

By alaahaddad |

Setting the Table layout Different browsers use different methods to calculate how a particular table should be displayed. Two primary table-layout. Fixed method bases its layout on the width of the table and the width of columns in the first row


W3CSS Theme + W3CSS Paragraphs == Professional Sites



W3CSS Theme + W3CSS Paragraphs == Professional Sites