W3CSS Theme - Padding Classes

By drupalhero |

At first glance, padding seems to have an effect identical to margins: It adds space around the element’s content. The difference is that padding sets the space between the border of the element and its content rather than between the element and the other elements in the window. Padding is useful when you’re using borders and background colors and don’t want the content butting right up to the edges. To set padding: 1. Start your declaration by typing the padding property name, followed by a colon (:) padding: 2. Type a value for the element’s padding.

W3CSS Theme - W3CSS References

By drupalhero |

How does CSS work? When a visitor loads one of your Web pages, by either typing in the address or clicking a link, the server (the computer that stores the Web page) sends the HTML file to the visitor’s computer along with any files linked to or embedded in the HTML file. Regardless of where the CSS code is, the visitor’s browser will interpret it and apply it to the HTML to render the Web page using that browser’s particular rendering engine that is then displayed in the browser window.