W3CSS Theme - Responsive Classes

By drupalhero |

Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS, is a language used to specify the visual appearance of a Web page—in contrast to HTML (HyperText Markup Language), which is a markup language that defines the structure of a document for distribution on the Web. HTML tells a Web browser how the content is organized on the page, whereas CSS tells the browser how it should look. CSS3, an abbreviation for CSS Level 3, is the next generation of this style language that adds several new capabilities.

W3CSS Theme - Border Classes

By drupalhero |

The border property allows you to set a rule (line) around all four sides of your box in any color and thickness using a variety of line styles. Also, using additional border properties, you can independently set the borders on any of the four sides, giving you amazing design versatility. To set the border: 1. To set the border on all four sides, type the border property name in the CSS declaration block, followed by a colon (:) border: 2. Type a border-width value, followed by a space.

W3CSS Theme - Default Background Color

By drupalhero |

The ability to set the background color on an HTML page has been around almost since the first Web browsers. However, with CSS you can define the background color, not only for the entire page, but also for individual elements using the background- color property. Unlike the color property, though, background colors are applied only to the element, and are not directly inherited by its children. That said, by the very fact they are within the parent, they will be set against that background. To define the background color of an element: 1.

W3CSS Theme - Fashion Colors Library

By alaahaddad |

CSS level 1 (CSS1) The W3C released the first official version of CSS in 1996. This early version included the core capabilities associated with CSS, such as the ability to format text, set fonts, and set margins. Netscape 4 and Internet Explorer 3 and 4 support Level 1. Web designers needed a way to position elements on the screen precisely. CSS1 was already released, and CSS Level 2 was still in the future, so the W3C released a stopgap solution: CSS-Positioning. This standard proposed that the parties concerned could debate for awhile before the CSS-P standard became official.

W3CSS Theme - Text Classes

By drupalhero |

What Is SVG? The Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format is a method for creating vector graphics on the Web (see w3.org/ Graphics/SVG/). Like Flash, instead of plotting each point in a graphic, SVG data describes two points and then plots the path between them as a straight line or curve. Although it still lags behind Flash in browser penetration, SVG is natively supported in Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. The holdout is Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, which will not have SVG support until version 9.

W3CSS Theme - What Are Cascading Style Sheets?

By alaahaddad |

Cascading Style Sheets bring the same style-setting convenience to the Web that you have in most word processors. You can set the CSS in one central location to affect the appearance of specific HTML tags, on a single Web page, or across an entire Web site. Although CSS works with HTML, it is not HTML. Rather, CSS is a separate stylesheet language that enhances the abilities of HTML (a mark-up language) by allowing you to redefine the way that existing tags display their content.