By drupalhero |

Choose an organization scheme You should choose a consistent organization pattern and stick to it. I’m not going to tell you how to organize your style sheets—that depends on what works for you—but here are a few ideas to consider: Organize by selector type. Start with HTML selectors, then IDs, and then classes. Organize based on page structure. Group rules based on their parent tags. This works even better with HTML5 because page structure is stronger. The downside occurs when the same rules need to be applied at different places in the page. You don’t want redundant code, so it’s best to separate those rules out into their own section. Organize based on purpose. Group rules based on which element a style is being applied to. Instead of being grouped according to where the element is in the page, the styles are grouped based on their content, module, functionality, or other specific use (such as headings, typography, ads, article, asides, layout grid, and so on.) Organize alphabetically. Literally list the selectors in alphabetical order.  You can use one of these methods, a combination of these methods, or a method you make up yourself. The key is to be consistent.


Animation Classes
Class Defines
w3-animate-top Animates an element from the top -300px to 0px
w3-animate-left Animates an element from left -300px to 0px
w3-animate-bottom Animates an element from the bottom -300px to 0px
w3-animate-right Animates an element from right -300px to 0px
w3-animate-opacity Animates an element's opacity from 0 to 1
w3-animate-zoom Animates an element from 0 to 100% in size
w3-animate-fading Animates an element's opacity from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 (fades in AND out)
w3-spin Spin an icon 360 degrees
  Spin any element 360 degrees
w3-animate-input Animates the width of an input field to 100%