By drupalhero |
Drupal8 W3CSS Theme - Bar - Navigation Classes

You can describe color on the screen in a variety of ways, but most of these descriptions are just different ways of telling the computer how much red, green, and blue are in a particular color. Browser-safe Colors? Certain colors always display properly on any monitor. These colors are called browser-safe colors. You’ll find them fairly easy to remember because their values stay consistent. In hexadecimal values, you can use any combination of 00, 33, 66, 99, CC, and FF. In numeric values, use 0, 51, 102, 153, 204, or 255. In percentages, use 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, or 100. The behavior of each percentage value depends on the property in use. URLs A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is the unique address of something on the Web. This resource could be an HTML document, a graphic, a CSS file, a JavaScript file, a sound or video file, a CGI script, or any of a variety of other file types. URLs can be local—describing the location of the resource relative to the current document— or global—describing the absolute location of the resource on the Web and beginning with http://.

Class Defines
w3-bar Horizontal bar
w3-bar-block Vertical bar
w3-bar-item Provides common style for bar items
w3-sidebar Side bar
  A side bar can contain all types of content
  A side bar overlaying main content
  A side bar overlaying all main content
  A side bar shifting main content to the right
  A side bar with an overlay background
  A Side bar on the right side
w3-collapse Used together with w3-sidebar to create a fully automatic responsive side navigation. For this class to work, the page content must be within a "w3-main" class
w3-main Container for page content when using the w3-collapse class for responsive side navigations
  Fully automatic right-sided responsive side navigation
w3-sidenav Deprecated (Use w3-sidebar instead)
w3-navbar Deprecated (Use w3-bar instead)
w3-navitem Deprecated (Use w3-bar-item instead)
w3-topnav Deprecated (Use w3-bar instead)
w3-navblock Deprecated (Use w3-bar-block instead)
w3-accordion Deprecated (Use w3-show and w3-hide instead)
w3-accordion-content Deprecated (Use w3-show and w3-hide instead)
w3-pagination Deprecated (Use w3-bar instead)
w3-dropnav Deprecated (Use w3-bar-block instead)