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Drupal8 W3CSS Theme - Border Classes

browser CSS extensions In addition to supporting the specified CSS properties set by the W3C, a browser developer will occasionally introduce browser-specific properties. This is often done for one of two reasons: n A spec is still under development by the W3C but the browser developer wants to start using the style now. The browser developer wants to try a new idea but doesn't want to wait for the W3C to accept it and begin work on it, which can take years. Sometimes the exact syntax of the official CSS specification will be slightly different from the "sand-box" version created for a specific browser. To avoid confusion and ensure forward compatibility of CSS code, each rendering engine has adapted its own prefix to use with CSS properties that are extensions unique to that browser.  These CSS extensions sometimes overlap and conflict when different browsers promote their own solutions. The good news is that due to the nature of CSS, you can include versions of each of the properties for individual browsers, so that the browser will use whichever version suits it.

Class Defines
w3-border Adds borders (top, right, bottom, left) to an element
w3-border-top Adds a top border to an element
w3-border-right Adds a right border to an element
w3-border-bottom Adds a bottom border to an element
w3-border-left Adds a left border to an element
w3-border-0 Removes all borders
w3-border-color Displays the border in a specified color (like red, blue, etc)
w3-hover-border-color Adds a hoverable border color
w3-bottombar Adds a thick bottom border to an element
w3-leftbar Adds a thick left border to an element
w3-rightbar Adds a thick right border to an element
w3-topbar Adds a thick top border to an element