By drupalhero |
Drupal8 W3CSS Theme - Button Classes

HTML is how Web pages are structured. CSS is how Web pages are designed. This book deals primarily with how to use CSS to add a visual layer to the HTML structure of your Web pages. CSS is a style sheet language; that is, it is not a programming language. Instead, it’s code that tells a device (usually a Web browser) how the content in a file should be displayed. CSS is meant to be easily understood by anyone, not just “computer people.” Its syntax is straightforward, basically consisting of rules that tell an element on the screen how it should appear. This book also includes the most recent additions to the CSS language, commonly referred to as CSS3 (or CSS Level 3). CSS3 builds on and extends the previous version of CSS. For the time being, it’s important to understand what is new in CSS3 because some browsers (most notably Internet Explorer) have incomplete support or no support for these new features.

Button Classes
Class Defines
w3-button Grey rectangular button
w3-btn Black rectangular button
w3-ripple Rectangular button with ripple effect
  Circular floating button with ripple effect
w3-bar Can be used to group elements (like buttons) in an horizontal bar
w3-btn-block Deprecated (Use w3-button w3-block instead)
w3-btn-floating Deprecated (Use w3-button w3-circle instead)
w3-btn-floating-large Deprecated (Use w3-circle instead)
w3-btn-group Deprecated (Use w3-bar instead)
w3-btn-bar Deprecated (Use w3-bar instead)
w3-opennav Deprecated (Use w3-button instead)
w3-closenav Deprecated (Use w3-button instead)
w3-closebtn Deprecated (Use w3-button instead)