By drupalhero |
Drupal8 W3CSS Theme - Dropdown Classes

The idea of a standard way to communicate over the Internet was the principle behind the creation of the World Wide Web: You should be able to transmit information to any computer anywhere in the world and display it in the way the author intended. In the beginning, only one form of HTML existed, and everyone on the Web used it. This situation didn’t present any real problem because almost everyone used Mosaic, the first popular graphics-based browser, and Mosaic was the standard. That, as they say, was then. Along came Netscape Navigator and the first HTML extensions were born.

Class Defines
w3-dropdown-hover Hoverable dropdown element
  Hoverable dropdown element (used in w3-bar)
  Hoverable dropdown element (used in w3-bar-block)
  Hoverable dropdown element (used in w3-sidebar)